Tuesday 26 November 2013

Big Data Analytics

Organizations around the world have realized that there is a pile of data residing in their system and there is a need to determine how this data can be mined to understand their customers better. There is a lot of chatter around this subject and organizations are waking to the fact that they are sitting on a gold mine of data which actually can help them to get valuable business insights and chart a future course of action.

Every Day, almost every company generates huge amounts of data that goes into different systems, servers and storage. The Core systems, ERP systems, web logs, call centre records, emails, all piles up and eventually becomes a huge avalanche of data and it resides, mostly untouched.

We at Arowana recognize the opportunities and challenges these vast quantities of data can provide. Proper capture, duration, management and process of these data can help Organizations derive highly intuitive intelligence that can identify trends and influence decision making. These data can be massaged using complex mutually interdependent algorithms and the resultant computer based simulations can provide a useful tool in the hands of the decision makers.
To be able to unearth these valuable nuggets of information, Arowana can help Organizations to implement ‘Big Data Analytics’, around systems, create dash boards that can seamlessly collect data using multi variate methods such as factor analysis and cluster analysis in a efficient manner. When this information is made available within set timelines, it will result in improved decision making, when the data and the information gleaned are actually relevant. Arowana has the capabilities to use the latest tools in the market that can work with separate sets of data, from various resources in real time, which will greatly assist in finding co-relations in a wide range of situations.
Arowana will collaborate, work closely with Organizations, understand the business and will be able to present the results which can actually help in improving Market Share, identifying potential opportunities and pitfalls and make the emerging technologies work in synergy with existing investments - towards new data-driven applications and analytics that can provide not only excellent business insights but also a ‘competitive edge’.
These tools and applications can integrate Data warehouses and BI tools in an optimized processing environment that will deliver maximum business value with low cost of ownership, resulting in a unified approach to big data architecture to support big data analytics.

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