Thursday, 21 November 2013

Engagement Models of Arowana

Arowana's engagement models are convenient, flexible and customer centric. These engagement models are designed keeping you in mind and covers the entire spectrum of our Services.
We can handle the entire lifecycle of the product or solutions which will cover upgrades, warranty and long term support. We can enable 24 x 7 support on-site or from our well equipped off-shore development centre.

We have an excellent team of very skilled and competent staff that can render off-shore or on-site services and support which are at par with industry standards.

Time and Materials
You can specify the skills, and we will provide you with resources on a agreed rate. These resources will work for you either off-shore or on-site for a specified period.

Fixed Price and Time
This is a well known and widely accepted model, where we sit together with you and arrive at an estimate based on the Scope of the project and the resources involved. The Full project life cycle management is handled by us with agreed upon milestones and deliveries. In this term Arowana will also commit to full cycle of testing , implementation, assist in global roll out and deliver full set of documentation.

Hybrid Model
In Hybrid model, a combination of Time and Material is used along with Fixed Price/Time. This is very useful, especially where Organizations cannot allocate full time resources to work on the project. Our Analysts and Domain experts will study the requirement and translate it into a working solution.

Joint Development
As the term suggests, Organizations can use our resources to develop products for them, so that both of us mutually benefit from the development. The Domain can be given by the Organizations. The Project can be initially implemented and established internally and then the Project can then be productized and commercially deployed in other organizations. We can establish a special purpose vehicle that can be jointly owned and operated, with an exit clause that is convenient and mutually acceptable. Arowana will be quite flexible and can help Organizations leverage their internal processes commercially and profit from the joint venture. The Special purpose vehicle is not a must and there can be many models of engagement, within this model itself, which can ensure smooth operations. We can arrive at a working relationship depending on the market conditions, risk appetite and focus areas that are important to Organizations that are willing to participate in such ventures. Come talk to us. We can establish a relationship that is ethical, viable, and fair to all parties concerned, secure and sustainable.
These models are so designed such that Organizations can reduce costs, get a superior returns on investments and obtain access to the latest technologies.

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