Tuesday 10 December 2013

Insider Trading Corporate Gift Management- ITCGM

The management of `Insider Trading' in corporate entities is a global issue, and it is regulated in almost every jurisdiction globally. It is a key element of Corporate Governance and the issue is monitored intricately. Even though the acceptance and giving of gifts is culturally practiced in many countries, disproportionate and overtly generous give-aways tantamount to bribery and therefore close monitoring and disclosure is mandated by many organizations.
In certain industries like Banking and securities trading companies, insider trading is considered to be a criminal offence. Such organizations have compliance departments which monitor all personal transactions of employees, who are bound by the rules to make full disclosure of their personal trading activities.
Arowana has developed an online personal account dealing system for use in Banks and security trading firms. Staff having access to sensitive information about traded companies and who desires to trade for personal benefit will have to go through official channels to obtain approvals before placing any market orders. The system developed by Arowana enables a workflow which will capture details required by the Compliance department and also enable the compliance department to approve or reject any such requests. Similar workflows are also available for exchanging gifts.
The system's inbuilt automatic workflows for submitting the request and obtaining the approvals will enforce the Business rules related to policies for Personal Account Dealing and Gifts & Giveaway. The system will also help in generating reports and dashboards for analyzing and monitoring the activities related to the PAD and Gifts.

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