Monday 16 December 2013


Organizations that desire to procure products or services, generally try and get the best deal in the market. The more organized ones have empanelled vendors for almost all items the organization wants. They also will have a procurement policy and procedures to ensure that they get the best possible products at the right price from the market. This will enable them to provide in turn, to their customers the best possible products and services.
In order to assist matured organizations with their procurement process and also in order to increase their reach and also to enable vendors of good reputation to enroll and participate in the procurement process, Arowana has designed Tender Management System, which will bring about transparency and efficiency in procurement. The system is a web based application, covering the entire tender process, right from Qualification of Vendors till the selection, under one umbrella application which can be accessed, reviewed and edited by authorized officials. The Tender Process (includes Pre Qualification System & Procurement Tender processing) which is a N-tired solution where users can publish tenders, interested suppliers can quote for the tender and based on supplier’s qualification and Quotes, tenders can be awarded. The application has multiple levels of approval and verification process and is distributed in two separate websites.
Pre- qualification of suppliers is the first part of the system that provides business with one source of accurate, up to date and validated supplier information. Being better informed about the suppliers enables better decision making which in turn reduces risk, saves money and frees up time to focus on higher, value added procurement tasks.
Procurement Tendering Process is the second part of the system, which facilitates the corporate services to streamline and manage the procurement tenders in a centralized manner.

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